In Sofia's class alone, the 21 pupils represent 14 different nationalities! Not as many languages, sadly, but there is a good melange of English native speakers, and those who are only starting to learn it. I had the pleasure of reading her class a story in Finnish. I thought it would be a nightmare but I was very wrong: as I was reading a story of a little duck's first day at school, 20 pairs of eyes stared at me with concentration, studied the images and did not fidget or run away. Well done all the 3-4 year olds!
It is a great richness for Sofia, the world traveller, to have this chance to make friends from so many different cultural backgrounds. Sometimes there is talk of Nomadic children with no real culture of their own but this doesn't really apply in our case as we have our feet firmly in Europe. This is only a 3-4 year tour for us and we are trying to make the most of it. Whilst we don't have any other Finnish friends here to really celebrate my traditions, we have created our own within the family; it's easy to watch Moomins, read Astrid Lindgren books and open presents on Christmas eve as well as on the Day. And we know that in few years time we will be back to teach her more about the Nordic culture, so for now we shall celebrate all international and eat mammi later (google it, you'll be surprised....). And besides, it's never impossible to bake some cinnamon buns outside the Finnish home!
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